Combe Martin FAQ

Combe Martin FAQ
…near County Gate. Medieval Period The village core name is derived from cym and combe, a low and deep valley surrounded by very high hills. The Martin suffix derives from Lord Martin de…

Introduction to Combe Martin

Introduction to Combe Martin
…Baron Martyn [Martin] de Tours [de Turribus, knight]", after the Norman Conquest in 1066 (The House of Martin &c., 1906, pp. 3-18).  Sanders (Oxford, 1960), sta…


…surrounded by very high hills". The Martin suffix "derives from [Norman lord] Le Sieur Martin de Tours, a man of much worth and assistance to William the Conqueror, Duke of…


…East Sussex, and Robert fitz Martin, the son of Martin de Tours (overlord of Combe Martin after the Norman Conquest). During the medieval period in England, the national Chu…

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin

Early Silver Mining in Combe Martin
…de Tours a Norman Lord, who had great possessions here in the time of Henry I" (Britannia, posth., 1722, p. 47). Queen Victoria Purchased Combe Martin Silver in 1848 In 1848…